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Stained Glass of Percy Bacon & Brothers

Barwell, St Mary.

East Window, 1910: Ascension of Christ
Image © John Salmon reproduced under Creative Commons
license CC BY-SA 2.0.

East Window: Ascension of Our Lord, 1910.

Posted 13 October 2024

The east window is of five lights with tracery. The main lights are divided vertically, the central upper light being the figure of Christ seeming to rise heavenward on a cloud, flanked on either side by attendant angels two of which hold scrolls with words from Acts 1:11, "Shall so come in like manner". In the lower lights the 11 apostles and the Virgin Mary.

The window was unveiled by the Bishop of Peterborough at a dedication ceremony on 22nd January 1910.1 It was installed to commemorate the life and ministry of the late incumbent, Rev R. Titley. The inscription reads:

"To the Glory of God and in beloved memory of the Rev. Richard Titley, MA, RD, JP, CC, 48 years Rector of Barwell-cum-Stapleton and Potters Marston, who died April 19, 1909 aged 78 years; this window is dedicated by his grateful parishioners and friends as testimony of his faithful ministry in the parish and his devoted work for the county of Leicester".

The window is unsigned.



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North Aisle East, 1920: War memorial commemorating the men of Barwell who gave their lives in the Great War 1914-18.
Image © "Walwyn" via Flickr. Reproduced under Creative Commons non-commercial generic 2.0 license CC BY-NC 2.0.

North Aisle East. War Memorial. 1920.
(Percy Bacon Ltd).

Posted 20 December 2024

The Bacon Studios would install a great many war memorials between 1916 and 1925, and many would represent allegorical figures of Courage and Victory alongside Christ the Consoler, the cartoons being used repeatedly. This is no exception. Courage is represented as a Phrygian warrior holding shield and broken sword. Victory, in common with many other depictions of this allegorical figure, is represented by a knight in armour, with spear, and holding a laurel wreath aloft. Above each figure a scroll unfurls, as if blown by the wind, with the following words:

Courage: "Be strong and of good courage".
Christ: "Come unto me all ye that labour".
Victory: "Death is swallowed up in victory".

In the tracery; A dove representing the Holy Spirit, and cherubim.

The inscription reads:

"In grateful and loving remembrance of the Ever Blessed Redeemer of Mankind and of those men of Barwell who, following in his steps, gave their lives in the Great War 1914-1918.".

A very similar window was installed in St John the Evangelist, Boscombe in the same year. At Leigh-on-Sea Methodist Church, also in 1920, a 3-light window was executed by the Bacon Studio, the figures being almost exact copies of the Barwell window, but this time with Faith substituting Courage.

The window is unsigned.

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South Aisle, 1927: Music, Christ the Good Shepherd & Art.
Image © "Walwyn" via Flickr. Reproduced under Creative Commons non-commercial generic 2.0 license CC BY-NC 2.0.

South Aisle 3. Music, Christ the Good Shepherd & Art. 1927.

Posted 20 December 2024

This window, also installed by Percy Bacon Limited, is dedicated to the memory of John Batty Elwell (d. 1927), a local headmaster, teacher, and choirmaster at St Mary's for 50 years.2 The subjects are representative of his life, being "Music", illustrated by the figure of St Dunstan holding a portable organ, Christ the Good Shepherd as representative of his vocation and public service, and St Luke representing "Art", holding brushes, pens and an artist's palette.

The inscription reads:

"This window is a tribute to the memory of John Batty Elwell and is given by his old scholars and friends in appreciation of his gifted personality, enthusiasm for education, and generous work in this Church and Parish for 49 years. Died Aug 9th 1927 Aged 71 years, headmaster of [?] School, 1878-1927".

The window is unsigned.





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References: Use your browser's Back button to return to text.

  1. Leicester Journal, and Midland Counties General Advertiser Fri, 28 Jan 1910 ·Page 3.
  2. Nottingham Evening Post - Wednesday 10 August 1927, P6. Report of John Elwell's death.

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All text and photos © Alan Spencer, except where otherwise stated; All Rights Reserved