Stained Glass of Percy Bacon & Brothers
Uploaded 01 December 2022. Updated 06 February 2025.
The east window of three lights with tracery depicts the Archangels, Gabriel, Michael, and Raphael. Each holds their symbols; respectively, white lilies; a shield, spear, and sword; a pilgrim's staff, and fish (alluding to the story told in the Book of Tobit). At the base of the lights the scrolls carry words from the Eucharist; "Therefore Angels and Archangels, and with the company of heaven we laud and magnify Thy Glorious Name." In the tracery demi-angels hold Alpha and Omega shields. Lower down and centred on the trefoil openings are Christogtrams, IHS and XPC, and a crown, all in crowns of thorns surrounded by vines.
The dedication reads;
The window, donated by Rose Heyworth of Earle Colne, Essex, and Marwood, Devon, was unveiled on 13th May 1910.1
The window is signed, "Percy Bacon Bros, 11 Newman St, London, W."
Uploaded 01 December 2022. Updated 06 February 2025.
The glass in the simple three-light window in the south wall of the south transept was installed in 1915 in memory of an officer who was killed during the Gallipoli Campaign.2 The choice of figures reflects sacrifice, victory and consolation. Like so many war memorials that Percy Bacon executed the central figure is Christ the Consoler, whose hands stretch outwards towards the viewer as if in anticipation of an embrace. This motif was commonly used in Percy Bacon's war memorial windows, e.g. Barwell, Leicestershire, All Saints, Northampton. To Christ's left stands the figure of St George depicted as a medieval knight. He holds a spear and shield, and wears a crown of laurel leaves symbolising victory. St George, or a nebulous virtue such as Courage or Victory is also commonly depicted. The Barwell window follows the same pattern as that at Marwood, but with the figure to The Consoler's left being titled, "Victory". On Christ's right hand stands the figure of St Lawrence holding a grid-iron, the symbol of his martyrdom. On scrolls above the figures, three unconnected lines from the Bible:
St Lawrence; "Be thou faithful unto death".
Christ: "Come unto me all thee that labour".
St George: "I have fought the good fight".
In the predella in the west wall of the nave. ; arms of Heyworth, IHS christogram, and the badge of the Prince of Wales (17th) Staffordshire Regiment.
The window's dedication reads;
The window was unveiled and dedicated on 6th August 1916.3
The window is signed, "Percy Bacon Bros, 11 Newman St, London, W."
Further information about the dedicatees of both these windows can be found on J. C. A. Jamison's blog.4
Location Map: