Stained Glass of Percy Bacon & Brothers
Posted 04 September 2022.
With origins in the 12th century mostly erased, much of what we see today is 14th and 15th century. The font is 12th century. A major restoration was carried out by Canon Richard Wise in 1863 when the Morris and Burne-Jone stained glass was installed1 2. When Canon Wise took over the incumbency in 1846, the church was in a severe state of dereliction and was clearly suffering a similar fate of many Cornish churches in their congregations migrating to Methodism3. It is reported that the church had only 2 congregants at the time. At his own expense (and likely that of his father who had bought the patronage) Canon Wise set about restoring the church, employing George Street as architect. A new organ by Willis was installed in 1865, but this was later incorporated into a new organ built by Hele of Plymouth when a new vestry and organ chamber were built in 1908. The nave and aisle has a fine barrel roof with open trusses.
The church consists of nave, south aisle, chancel with Lady Chapel on the south side, and north transept. There is a 15th century tower with fine pinnacles at the west end. The altar front was painted by Edward Fellowes-Prynne, brother of the architect George Fellowes-Prynne. These are similar to in design to the altar front at nearby
in an arts and crafts style, angels kneel swinging censers towards a central panel depicting an agnus dei holding the flag of victory.
The two Percy Bacon windows in St Ladoca were installed in 1900 and 1907, and despite this spread of time, and the physical separation in the church, they are harmonious in design, "harmony" being a characteristic Percy Bacon explained in his manifesto of 1894 wished to bring to church decoration. Both windows are of three lights, relatively unadorned and with simple Perpendicular tracery.
Posted 04 September 2022.
The window of three lights with simple Perpendicular tracery depicts Presentation in the Temple. Simeon holds the infant Jesus and is flanked by BVM and St Ann. St Ann holds a cage with two white doves symbolising purity. Above each figure a scroll:
St Ann: "I will enter thy gates with thanksgiving" (Psalms 100:4).
Simeon: "For mine eys have seen thy salvation" (Luke 2:30-34).
BVM: "I will priase the Lord as long as I live" (Psalms 146:2).
The window is dedicated: "To the Glory of God, and in affectionate remembrance of Mary Anne Harriet Wise, by the Parishioners of Ladock, and others who knew and loved her: 1899".
In the tracery IHS and XPI shields held by angels.
The window is signed: "PERCY BACON, NEWMAN ST. LONDON W.".
Posted 04 September 2022.
The window of three lights with simple Perpendicular tracery depicts the virtues Faith and Charity flanking Christ holding a child. Although installed a number of years since the first in 1900, it retains a certain harmony of style. Above each a scroll:
Faith: "The desert shall rejouice and blossom as the rose" (Isaiah 35:1).
Christ holding a child: "Suffer the little children to come unto me" (Matthew 19:14).
Charity: "Let all your things be done with Charity" (1 Corinthians 16).
Faith holds roses and Charity a flaming heart. In the tracery Alpha and Omega on shields held by angels.
The window is dedicated: "To the Glory of God and in loving remembrance of Emma Nicholls the beloved wife of Theo Michell MICE, who entered into rest the 20th Sept 1906 Aged 50 years".
The window is unsigned.
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