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Stained Glass of Percy Bacon & Brothers

Romford, St Edward the Confessor
Greater London: Havering
SA1. He beheld the city and wept over it
SA1. And Jesus called a little child unto him.
SA1. Centre light detail.
SA1. Jesus heals the blind man.
"Lord that I may receive my sight".

SA1: Beatitudes and scenes in the life of Christ.

South Aisle 1. Scenes from the Life of Christ. 1898.1


Posted 25 August 2023

This three-light window with tracery in the south aisle represents three episodes from the life of Christ:

Left light: He beheld the city and wept over it (Luke 19:41).
Centre: And Jesus called a little child unto him (Matthew 18:2).
Right light: Lord that I may receive my sight. (Luke 18:41, Mark 10:51).

In the tracery angels hold scrolls with the words from the Beatitudes:

Upper: Blessed are the pure in heart:
Lower Left: Blessed are they that mourn.
Lower Right: Blessed are the merciful.

The window is dedicated on a brass plate to William Mashiter of The Elms, Romford (d. 1898), given by his wife, Anne. Anne Mashiter (nee Robinson - d.1905) was the sister of Clara Bacon's mother, whom Percy Bacon married in 1906. After their marriage, Clara and Percy lived at the The Elms up until 1910. It is possible that Percy and Clara met while he was in the process of executing this commission. Anne Mashiter, along with Clara's parents, are remembered in another Bacon Studio's window at Havering-atte-Bower, Essex.

The window is unsigned.

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NA1; Appearance to Mary Magdalene.
NA1. Supper at Emmaus.
NA1. The miraculous draught of fishes.

NA1: Resurrection story scenes. .

North Aisle 1. Scenes from the Life of Christ. Date uncertain. (Attrib.)


Posted 25 August 2023

This is a three-light window with tracery representing resurrection scenes:

Left light: Appearance to Mary Magdalene.
Centre: Supper at Emmaus
Right light: The miraculous draught of fishes.

In the tracery angels play musical instruments.

The window is dedicated to a number of individuals on brass plates beneath, some of which were subsequently added: Alfred Henry Hunt (d. 1893) and his wife Emily (d. 1926), Francis John Hunt (d. 1935) and his wife, Lucy Edwina Louisa (d. 1973).

The window is unsigned and no definitive corroboration has yet been found for this being a Bacon Studio window. However, an article in the Chelmsford Chronicle of 6th August 1909 relating to the John Loder window (NA3 - see below) stated that two previous windows had been installed by the studio, so, aside from the obvious stylistic devices, the attribution is fairly safe.2

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South chapel reredos: St Anne teaches Mary to read.
South chapel reredos: Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Signature in panels.

South Chapel: Reredos with painted panels..

South Chapel. Reredos and carved oak screen. 1906


Posted 25 August 2023

in 1906 reredos with painted panels and a carved oak screen were installed by the bacon Studios in the south chapel. The panels depict:

Left: St Anne teaching Mary to read.
Right: Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Both panels are signed, "Percy C H Bacon, April 1906".

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NA3; Left Light.
NA3. Centre Light.
NA3. Righ Light.

NA3: Ascension of Our Lord.

North Aisle 3. Ascension of Our Lord, 1909.


Posted 25 August 2023

The third Percy Bacon Studios window in St Edward the Confessor, also in the north aisle and installed in 1909 represents The Ascension of Jesus, depicted, "at the very moment of his rising from the Earth":4

Left light: Three disciples watch on with putti in the background.
Centre: Jesus at the very moment he ascends from the earth.
Right light: Three further disciples watch on with putti in the background.

In the lower tracery angels hold scrolls; "Shall so Come" | "in like manner", and in the upper cherubims and seraphims represent the Heavenly Host.

The window is dedicated to the memory of John Loder, and was erected by his widow, Mary. She is dedicated in the brass plate fixed to the wall beneath the window.

The window is unsigned.

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References and Notes: Use your browser's Back button to return to text.

  1. See Chelmsford Chronicle - Friday 12 August 1898.
  2. Chelmsford Chronicle - Friday 06 August 1909, p6.
  3. Ibid.
  4. Ibid.

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Sat Nav Post Code: RM1 1XN

All text and photos © Alan Spencer, except where otherwise stated; All Rights Reserved