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Stained Glass of Percy Bacon & Brothers

Exeter, St Sidwell (lost works)

The restored panels. Left: Martyrdom of St Sidwell. Right: St Sidwell.
Photo cc-by-sa/2.0 - © David Smith

St Sidwell's Church, Exeter, circa 1830.
St Sidwell's Church, Exeter. Interior 1933.
Image courtesy of Lucerna Magic Lantern Web Resource,, item 5094415.
Accessed 26 June 2023.
Royal Albert Memorial Museum Collection – reproduced by permission. Digital image copyright © 2015 Royal Albert Memorial Museum and Art Gallery, Exeter.

Posted 27 June 2023. Updated 09 October 2023.

Perhaps this page should be entitled, "Lost and Found Works", as the story of these panels is one of an extremely rare, almost accidental survival against the odds. St Sidwell's church was bombed and almost completely destroyed in the early hours of the 4th May 1942 (during the same raid which damaged Exeter Cathedral). Although the tower survived the initial bombing, it was so badly damaged that it was demolished shortly afterwards. In the weeks that followed, local people managed to rescue a number of objects from the ruins, including panels of stained glass, and stone statues by Exeter artist Harry Hems. These items were safely wrapped and stored in the bell tower of St Matthew's Church, Newtown, and then forgotten about, only to be discovered 74 years later in 2016. The panels were restored by Exeter glass restorer, Andrew Johnson before being put on display at St Sidwell's Community Centre.1

The two panels illustrated here represent an image of St Sidwell holding a scythe, the implement of her toil and martyrdom, and a depiction of that incident. This glass was installed in 1895 in the south west window. As can be seen from a drawing of 1830, St Sidwell's Church, circa 1830. The Percy Bacon glass was installed in the perpendicular 3-light south west window (SAE) all the windows in the south aisle were very tall, three-light, perpendicular windows. These panels rested one above the other, the portrait of St Sidwell being at the top, and the depiction of her martyrdom below. In the bottom of the lower panel (illustrated right in the picture) the Percy Bacon Three Bees rebus is visible. On 2nd February 1895, the Exeter Flying Post reported on the preparation of the glass in Percy Bacon's workshop with a full description of the work:2

"A handsome painted glass three-light window is being prepared in the studios of Messrs. Percy Bacon and Brothers, Newman- Street, London, for the south-west window of St. Sidwell's Church, Exeter, and will, all being well, be in situ for the Easter festival. It is a memorial to the late Miss Cousins, niece of the late Samuel Cousins, R.A.. the great Devonshire engraver. He lived and died (says the Church in the West) in King William-terrace, in St. Sidwell's parish. In the left hand light is a statuesque figure of St. Hieretha, a Native of Swymbridge, North Devon, in religious habit, holding in her left hand a model of the tower of Chittlehampton Church, of which edifice she was the foundress. Beneath is a panel containing a picturesque representation of the building of that church, the saint herself, like a modern late Lady Rolle, standing in the foreground busy examining the plans. The central light is occupied by the figure of St. Boniface holding his emblem, a book pierced by a sword. In the panel beneath is drawn the sacred oak of Jupiter. The subject will be divided from the upper portion by two angels holding a shield, bearing the arms of the See of Exeter, impaled with those of Bishop Bickersteth. The right hand light will contain a figure of St. Sidwell, and beneath it the act of her martyrdom, near the site of the present church, in A.D. 740. All three lights are to be framed in with elaborate tabernacle work of late 15th century character. In the four large openings of the tracery head will be angels, representing the four cardinal virtues".

In the event, the window was not fitted until late April 1895,3 and finally consecrated on 1st June 1895.4 The Builder article of 8th June 1895 reporting on the unveiling, describes more detail in the windows:

"MEMORIAL WINDOW AT ST. SIDWELL’S CHURCH, EXETER.— On the 1st inst. the new three-light south-west window was dedicated at St. Sidwell’s Church, Exeter. The window is by Messrs. Percy Bacon & Brothers, of London, _ In the tracery lights that occupy the upper part of the windows are the forms of angels bearing scrolls. The central and most prominent figure is St. Boniface. On the dexter side-light is a figure of St. Hieretha, a native of Swymbridge, in north Devon. She is represented bearing in her hands an exact model of the western tower of Chittlehampton Church, of which edifice she was the foundress. On the sinister side is St. Sidwell. Above each figure is canopy work, and over this, on either flank, are full-length figures of angels, the one on the south bearing a starry crown, and that on the north a martyr’s palm. Immediately under the central figure are the arms of the See, impaled with those of Bishop Bickersteth. The new stonework for the windows was carried out by Messrs, Harry Hems & Sons."

A new brick church was built in 1957, now St Sidwell's Community Centre.

Percy Bacon's treatment of the iconography of St Sidwell is worthy of note. In his short book, "St Sidwell. An Exeter Legend", Michael Swanton remarks that the extant imagery of the saint varies little, perhaps as a result of its geographical limitation.5 The earliest surviving portrayal is from a 14th century window in Exeter Cathedral which survived the destruction wrought by the Luftwaffe in 1942 due to it having been removed for safe keeping at the outbreak of hostilities (see below). Swanton notes that this portrayal includes both of the saint's attributes; a scythe and a well from which spring water pours forth. In later depictions of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the well is not included, and only the scythe is shown, often curling around the back of Sidwell's head (as is the case of Percy Bacon's representation of St Sidwell at Laneast, Cornwall). In Percy Bacon's representation in St Sidwell's, Exeter, the well is also missing, and the whole image more sanitised and benign, with the cutting edge of the scythe resting at the saint's feet. Of course the existence of Percy Bacon's work may not have been known to Swanton, it having only been discovered thirty years after the publication of his book.

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St Sidwell and St Helen. Section of the great east window of Exeter Cathedral installed in 1391 by Master Glazier Robert Lyen. Photo by "Jules & Jenny". Creative Commons License CC BY-2.0.

Sidwell and the Cult of the Saints.

Until the reformation, medieval English churches were awash with the devotional imagery of foreign saints, but many a parishioner would cherish a figure considered one of their own, a local saint to whom they could relate at a visceral level. A local saint, probably a minor noble, or cleric whose body would be said to have been laid in the nearby church, would be much more real in the minds of devotees, and most importantly immediately accessible on a daily basis, unlike the many multi-national or foreign saints whose shrines would have been too far away, requiring long pilgrimages to visit them, and only available to the relatively wealthy. A local saint would imbue in parishioners a sense of regional pride and identity, making devotional offerings in the form of money to their own parish church more likely. As Eamon Duffy points out, “the more geographically specific dimension of the cult of the saints, the sanctifying of place, of the local, was also fundamental to the appeal".

The subject of this entry, St Sidwell (also Sidwella, or Sativola) was very much seen as an Exeter saint, and unsurprisingly a pious legend would be forged in the minds of the local population to draw them to their devotions in their parish church, and put their hands in their pockets! The legend of St Sidwell is like many of those which loosely belong to what might be termed a "head-cult". Sidwell is said to have been the daughter of a minor Saxon nobleman, Benna (or Beorna), who lived in Exeter. Bishop Grandisson in his Legenda Sanctorum written in 1327 to define the, “proper lessons for saints’ days” to be read only in the churches of Exeter",6 goes as far to say she was one of four devout sisters. Clearly to enhance the likelihood of canonisation, and a sign of true devotion to the Christian Faith, it was highly desirable that Sidwell be a virgin. On the death of her father, Sidwell inherited a great deal of his lands in the east of the city which did not go down well with her jealous stepmother, who commissioned one of the farm labourers to kill her. He did so by cutting off her head with a scythe as she prayed in the fields at Hedewell Mede, and where her head fell a spring of pure water welled up. Later she got up and carried her head to a site she had chosen to build a church, reputedly the church which bears her name, and where she was buried. This story of saints carrying their decapitated heads and wells springing up where they fell is a common hagiographical motif, and is similar to another local Devon saint, St Urith (aka Hieritha, one of Sidwell’s sisters) who was portrayed in the left hand panel of Bacon's window at St Sidwell's Church. Urith's supposed tomb can still be seen at St Hieritha's Church in Chittlehampton. Around the country many other hagiographies of English saints follow the same general head-cult, or cephalophore format, including Fremund (Warwickshire), Kenelm (Worcestershire), and Justinian (Pembrokeshire). Another story relates to a second supposed sister of Sidwell, St Juthwara, whose remains were translated to Sherborne in Dorset during the reign of Ethelred the Unready, and who suffered exactly the same fate as both her sisters, leading one to suppose that these stories were peddled precisely to localise the veneration of the saint. By the 14th century the cult of St Sidwell had spread well beyond Exeter to the rest of Devon and Cornwall. In many churches in those counties her image would be painted on screens, carved into bench ends and bas-reliefs, or painted on glass. In Exeter Cathedral a stained glass window installed by Robert Lyen in 1391 depicts St Sidwell holding a scythe (click on the image above for description),7 and at Laneast in Cornwall where the church is dedicated to her, she is represented in another Percy Bacon window. In 1520 Sir Christopher Trychay, vicar of Morebath in north Devon, was looking for a local saint who embodied local pride, and chose St Sidwell to that end, mounting a statue or image of her strategically placed next to Jesus at the high altar, thereby elevating her to special importance.8 Devotion to St Sidwell would not be confined to Devon and Cornwall. Another 15th century window depicting the saint which still survives, was installed in the antichapel at All Soul's College Oxford in about 1442. The subject may have been chosen by Roger Keyes, a fellow of the college and supervisor of the building works there, who had previously been a canon at Exeter Cathedral. Keyes was also appointed by Henry VI to take charge of the building of Eton College, where St Sidwell was depicted in a wall painting.9 Even today, the Sidwell cult clings on in Exeter. A large bas-relief mural, Modern bas relief of St Sidwell, Exeter by Frederick Irving.
Image © Copyright Derek Harper and licensed for reuse under image ref 351497. cc-by-sa/2.0
was commissioned by Tesco and executed by Frederick Irving which can be seen above a shop in Sidwell Street, not far from the church bearing that dedication.

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References: Use your browser's Back button to return to text.

  1. Exeter Daily, 08 September 2016. The story of St Sidwell's is well covered on the internet: St Sidwell's Heritage Hub | The Lost Treasures of St Sidwell's | Exeter Memories | The Ancient Parish of St Sidwell, Exeter (Oakford Archaeology).
  2. The Exeter Flying Post, 02 February 1895, p6.
  3. Express & Echo, 20th April 1895.
  4. The Builder Vol 68 8 June 1895, p440. The Builder article reported that the window's stonework had been renewed by Harry Hems of Exeter.
  5. Swanton, Michael G: St. Sidwell. An Exeter Legend, Devon Books (Devon County Council) 1986, p20-21.
  6. Bishop Grandisson, Legenda Sanctorum 1327. Ed Reynolds, H. E.
  7. Demolition Exeter: The Great East Window of Exeter Cathedral.
  8. Duffy, E. The voices of Morebath : reformation and rebellion in an English village, 2003.
  9. Sacred Mysteries: St Sidwell, the model for day-return pilgrimage; Daily Telegraph, 13 October 2018. See also Vidimus, Issue 51 (Feature).
  10. For an in depth account of St Sidwell: Swanton, M. G. St. Sidwell. An Exeter Legend, Devon Books (Devon County Council), 1986.

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All text and photos © Alan Spencer, except where otherwise stated; All Rights Reserved